Thursday, March 26, 2009


I have not been posting much lately and my apologies to anyone who may remotely be disappointed by that fact. It is almost the end of March and the daily life of Rome progresses as usual, though the weather has been beautiful for about three weeks straight. I'm told that Spring has arrived early to Rome this year. There has also been a marked uptick in the number of tourists roaming the streets. I try not to have that "I live here" disdain toward them, but I confess, I do at times have that very thought, especially as I'm trying to hurriedly make my way to some spot in the city.

The Spring semester, which began back in mid-February at Sant'Anselmo is going well. Latin and Greek classes provide a daily challenge and continue to constitute the bulk of my daily work. On Thursdays I'm attending a required course on the history of Latin as it progressed from ancient periods to high-medieval times.

A highlight has been a Wednesday afternoon course discussing the Liturgy of the Hours according to the Eastern traditions. This is one of those supplemental courses I've been asked to take so as to fill in any gaps that might exist between the MA in liturgy I received from St. John's University, Collegeville and the licentiate degree here in Rome. For instance, the SJU course on the Liturgy of the Hours focused primarily on Western traditions. My professor at that time was Fr. Allan Bouley, OSB who happens to be here in Rome through Lent and Easter as part of his retirement sabbatical. I hope to meet up with him at some point.

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