Monday, October 12, 2009

Model of Hope

Our Congregational motto, “Crux Ave, Spes Unica”, reminds us daily that we have a special pledge to proclaim that we Hail the Cross, as our only Hope. We profess that in the end nothing can withstand the transforming power of the Cross of Christ Jesus, as Mary knew in the midst of her own agony. The Constitution on the Cross reminds us that because of this it only remains for us to find how even the Cross can be borne as a gift. I have come to believe that in our own weakness the “How” is ultimately rooted in the Hope that Our Mother of Sorrows shows in her own fidelity to her Son. Imperfect as it may be, our ministry of hope is protected by the Mother of Hope, who herself stood below the cross that bore the ONE who made it the Holy Cross, Our Only Hope.

--- Rev. David T. Tyson, CSC, Provincial, Indiana Province, Congregation of Holy Cross. Homily for the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, Sept. 15, 2009

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