Saturday, July 07, 2012

Some Summer Reading....

With multiple flights back to the States and then to my hometown for Masses and a baptism, I picked up a book that had been highly recommended to me by friends of the author, Thomas Hibbs.  Originally published in 1999 and revised this year, Shows About Nothing explores the presence of Nihilism in American society through the lens of both film and television.

If you are the sort who has never heard of or just has a casual understanding of nihilism, the influence of Nietzsche, or the ongoing effects of Romanticism, then Shows will not only explain them, but will also cause surprise as it effectively reveals how influenced we Americans are by these ubiquitous traits.


Anonymous said...

What happened to the link to Whispers in the Loggia?

Fr. Michael Wurtz, CSC said...

An astute observer. I rarely visit . Do you?

John said...

I discovered the blog from your blog and now visit daily. I guess since you are in Rome, you hear everything going on anyway.

Fr. Michael Wurtz, CSC said...

I was recently informed of a site that gathers together multiple sources.
