Saturday, June 08, 2013

The Immaculate Heart of Mary

We can never, in view of all this, comprehend the merit of the heart of Mary.  We can but begin to imagine the holiness of that heart in which the Eternal Father prepared a dwelling for His only Son, and in which the Holy Ghost celebrated His ineffable espousals.  God must needs have united therein all the purity of the heart of Susanna, all the fortitude of the heart of Judith, all the piety of the heart of Esther, all the faith of the heart of Abraham, all the hope of the hearts of the prophets, all the zeal of the hearts of the Apostles, all the heroism of the hearts of the martyrs, all the innocence of the hearts of the virgins.

In olden times when infidels menaced the Christian peoples, the Sovereign Pontiffs, to encourage pious knights, dictated to them some invocation to Mary, which would serve as a motto and countersign.  Then the soldiers went to combat full of confidence and victory was granted their arms.  We need such a Christian word today. They are no longer barbarians who declare war on us today, it is true, but Christians, brothers who are divided and who destroy one another.  Nations are shaken, rulers unite against the Lord and His Christ, and peoples plan vain conspiracies, To whom shall we have recourse? To the heart of Mary.  Let others trust in their horses, arms, and chariots (Ps. 19:8)  As for us, strong in our faith and strength from on high, we cry to the heart of Mary.  She will have pity on us for she is compassionate and will not permit that we perish.

 --- Blessed Basil Moreau, CSC

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