Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated...

I'm alive. These have been busy days keeping up with Latin and Greek classes that seem to pile on new material each and every day. But here I am with less than two weeks to go before we break for the Christmas Holiday, and I am so glad it will soon be here. A rest is greatly welcomed.

But the city of Rome and the country of Italy had a mini-holiday with a three-day weekend thanks to the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception which is also a National Holiday. I spent the days catching up on reading and trying to digest class material. After weeks of rain the weekend was typically mediteranean with bright blue skies overhead. On Sunday I headed to the Generalate of the Congregation for pronzo and snapped a few photos on the way, because hey, everyone loves photos.

To the right are photos of the Università Gregoriana as seen from my front door.

Above: My route to the subway station takes me around the corner to the Trevi Fountain - quite packed with tourists. This weekend was a big weekend for Christmas shopping by Romans and foreigners alike.This window shows a selection of meats and cheeses for sale.A widening in the walk-way/road allows for a fruit and vegetable stand.About 15 minutes later I arrived at Piazza Barberini and metro stop.A shot from within a subway train.

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