Friday, July 18, 2008

Buon compleanno e buona festa di St. Camillus...

Happy birthday to Fr. Stephen Koeth, CSC, my elder in the blogging world.

In the U.S., today is the Feast of St. Camillus whom I am particularly interested in because of my grandfather, Camillus Joachim Wurtz (C.J.). The two not only share the same name, but both have a devotion to the sick in need of care. It is also a holy and providential coincidence that my Aunt Camille is a cardiovascular nurse.

Twice a day, my grandfather drives to the local nursing home and visits my grandmother whose loss of physical and mental ability has been so very sad to watch. But at the same time, it has been a blessed opportunity to see my grandfather put into action acutely the words of the marriage liturgy, " sickness and in health." Such devotion to his wife in need can't but help to inspire this Christian to attempt to love more deeply.

St. Camillus, pray for us.


Anonymous said...

Very nice....well said.

Fr. Stephen M. Koeth, C.S.C. said...

Thanks for the birthday shout-out. God bless all our parents and grandparents, living and deceased . . . our forebears and teachers in the faith!!!

Unknown said...

How sweet and thoughtful to think of C.J.
Agree with Ron...WELL SAID!!!