Sunday, July 27, 2008

Messa nella lingua italiana...

Well, yesterday marked a milestone for me as I celebrated Mass for the first time in Italiano. Around fifteen students and professors from the Italian School gathered for the Mass. I noticed a stark difference between praying/reading the Ordinary of the Mass and the Gospel and Collects.

The Ordinary was familiar to me, I was able to read without much difficulty and therefore, was able to pray the Mass. However, the Gospel and the Collects were more difficult probably because they change on a daily/weekly basis. So, I prayed those texts slower and that seems to work just fine for now.

Mia omelia era molto molto breve. Short and sweet. I think the congregation appreciated this!

Afterwards, I enjoyed dinner at Flatbreads with friends from the school who have been so very helpful in preparing me for the Mass and helping with pronunciation and the sense of the texts. In fact, they were essential. I'm most grateful!

(I know, I know. I need a haircut.)

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